What do you need to apply?

1. Register on the website

You need to be registered as an Entrepreneur and have at least one Business Summary added on the Ghana Innovation Hub website for the business you are applying with. Please note that for application for this program– you do not have to fill all the information requested in the business summary. For more information, please check our tutorial page.

*Orange Corners Ghana is located in the Ghana Innovation Hub. The platform for these applications is managed by BidX.


2. Upload the Application Form

Please fill in the Application Form with your personal and business information as well as an optional video pitch, and attach it to your Business Summary (not your entrepreneur profile). If you are having trouble attaching documents to your business summary, please watch these easy steps, stop by the Ghana Innovation Hub for support or email us at info@ghanainnovationhub.com.


3. Upload your 2018 and 2019 (to date or first half) Financial Statement(s)

Please upload your 2018 Financial Statement (Profit and Loss) to your Business Summary. Your statements do not have to be auditedWe will treat these statements confidentially and only use them for program selection and/or coaching during the program. If you do not (yet) have your own statements, you can fill our P&L template.


4. Upload your Business Registration Document

Please upload your certificate of registration to your Business Summary, as we will only select registered businesses for the program.

5. Go to the application page and click ‘Apply Now’.

A new page will open, where you click 'Participate' and select the business you want to apply with - then click 'Apply'. Your application is now saved in draft. If you have uploaded all required documents, scroll down and click ‘submit’ on the page to make your application official. You will see a notification that 'you have successfully submitted your application'.



Selection dates


January 5th: Online Application deadline (Midnight GMT)




January 29-30: Selection bootcamp (please keep both days free when you apply – if you are invited to the bootcamp you will be informed on January 17th)


February 20th: Networking event to present new cohort


Program dates


Program workshops: February 26-27, March 18-19, April 15-16, May 13-14, June 17-18


Final networking event: July 16


Weekly coaching hour during the program and 1 day per month of coach support – to be scheduled as needed.





Please contact info@ghanainnovationhub.com or call 0556959376 in case of any questions. We look forward to your application!