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Francis Ayine

Entrepreneur Member




  • The Best Online Mechanic Service.
  • The genesis of this business has to do with the issues of how cars are being serviced in this country and the whole of Africa.Now we say Ghana beyond Aid but still when a car breaks down by the road side, it can be there for hours and you can imagine the kind of stress the owner of the car will go through before the car is fixed. With Mechanic Ghana (Meck Ghana) we will provide the best online mechanic platform in the country.A lot of Mechanics/Technicians on our platform will be standby to respond to the call to fix any problem that has to do with breakdown cars at any moment in time. The platform will be in the form of an application the general public will have access to. This will make it easy for vehicle owners to lodge their complains and through our quick respond team we will be available on on time to get the car fixed.
  • Landscape service activities
  • Ghana
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