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Kirk Odonkor

Creative Directing
Entrepreneur Member

University - Bachelors


My name is Kirk, a creative director, founder of the SPEAKUP foundation and creator of the SPEAKUP Live show. I have been creative directing for a couple of years now and decided to finally create my own project with the expertise i have, to empower people to live well, achieve more and impact society. I may not be able to change the world, but i want to be the inspiration behind the brain that changes the failing narratives of our society (Ghana & Africa).

  • SPEAKUP Live is a film series that gives people the platform to speak up emerging issues of inequality and a poor livelihood in the society.
  • SPEAKUP Live is an impact-driven and lifestyle film series, which interviews stake holders in the 5 major institutions of the society and gives people the platform to speak up emerging issues of inequality and an unhealthy livelihood in our society. The show runs under a non-profit organization called SPEAKUP foundation, whose goal is to achieve equality and a healthy livelihood in the society. The mission and vision of this project, is empower people to live well, achieve more and impact society. We want to be the inspiration behind the brain that changes the failing narrative of the society. SPEAKUP Live is creating creative, entertaining, lifestyle & impact-driven visual content for Youtube, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Our target audience are teenagers and millennials. Potential media organizations for contents to be sold to includes, BBC, NETFLIX, FOX LIFE, KWESE TV etc.
  • Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities and Motion picture projection activities
  • Ghana



  • 30-10-2018
  • B 327/18 Frimpong we Street, North Kaneshie Accra, GA 0502445130 Male
  • North Kaneshie, Accra GH
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